Sunday, October 3, 2010


Click for enlarged scan. A little back story on the piece.

The scan is the finished "LOST Stamp Collection". The artist is Mike Roselli, twitter account @mikeroselli. An avid LOST fan, he thought that postage stamps who's printed values were "the numbers" would be a phenomenal collection. Here's a bit about the difficulty of the project, how each stamp in the collection was chosen, and what it represents in LOST:

It seemed like the large Twitter community of LOST fans was ripe for helping to spread the news about a donated piece, and the community did not disappoint!

One of the key pieces of this set is the 1971 Wildlife Conservation Issue Stamp. It seemed appropriately printed in the 1970's, as well as being produced by the NWF, the benefactor of this auction.

The piece will be up for auction on Monday, October 4th. A link will be posted here when the auction is up and running

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